How To Avoid Stress

Stress is a big issue nowadays, but for me it’s just waste of time. When we face any problem, we start taking stress about that. But in my opinion we should think about the solution. Either you are a student or a house wife or a business person, whoever you are, you must have been facing the same situation. It can be workload, college project, studies or some family issues. It can be anything but you will not think about the solution, you will take stress first. People think that without stress they can’t work. But the fact is stress decrease your capabilities. And the energy which you should apply in finding solution will get wasted. This is how you will lose your positivity, your strength, your stamina. You need to ignore start in order to improve your performance. you should relax first and think about  yourself, to calm you down , take deep breath and think about the cause of the problem in order to  Avoid Stress.

The important factor which causes stress is overload work. People nowadays stats showing off their strength by taking excess work, which they can’t do. Its happens a lot in colleges and offices.  You need to learn to say “NO” to that. Show off is never a good thing at all. So don’t do it. Just be yourself always. Do whatever you want to do but without stress. One more thing you need to do, prioritize your work to  Avoid Stress. Do first whatever is more important and rest later. 

How To Avoid Stress

Don’t take things personally. Office, college wherever you are, you will find people supporting you and some people in your opposition. You will listen many things which are not good and in some way offending, so never take these things personally. Keep yourself up above from all these things. Things which gives you stress, start avoiding them. Think positively about every stressed situation. I am sure you will find a new positive point. Devote your time for happy things. Keep yourself away from nonsense arguments. Save your energy and do something which makes you feel good. It can be listening music, some hobby or spending time with family.

Start meditating. Meditation takes you away from this world and gives you peace and strengthen your inner strength. It will be boring in the starting but trust me guys, this thing works. Try not to skip this.  Take time of 15 to 20 minutes in the morning and meditate. This thing will do magic for you. You will become calmer, happier and more energetic.  Don’t ever think about what others are doing until that’s necessary. First mind your own. Focus on yourself. Make sure your will convert all your negativity into positivity. Eat healthy, keep smiling. 



  1. You're so right! While, it's easier to stress about everything for me, it certainly does make a difference to take a step back.

  2. I totally agree with stress taking over a lot of our lives. A lot of things we stress about, are really not that important or we make a bigger deal out of it, then what it really is. Great article.

  3. I hate stress. I tend to eat my feelings and stuff my face with chocolate. Or I read, which is probably better.

  4. I usually go for meditation and then listen so cool music to let my stress off! Enjoyed reading this post out. Good work

  5. Stress is inevitable in so many different forms for everyone, but I love the advice to "step back, inhale and laugh." When you take a moment to breathe and put things in perspective, everything feels a little less daunting.

    xo, Taylor || The Millennial Sprinkle (

  6. That's what I do whenever I'm stressed. I usually just stop doing everything and take a step back.

  7. It's almost impossible to avoid stress these days. But I try to take 10 to 15 minutes each morning to meditate on things I read from my Bible. This sets the tone for the rest of the day.

  8. I think meditation a strong stress reliever. I love it and guided meditations are even better and soothing.

  9. Super helpful read! I agree that meditation helps release all that negativity to make way for inner peace. <3

    Steph C. | her ink heart |

  10. Learning how to not take things personally is probably my biggest Must Do. I tend to wear my feelings on the very cuffs of my sleeves and sometimes stress over things that were never meant the way I take them. I'm getting there...

  11. Yes!!I agree with you, loving yourself is part of reducing stress. Thank you for sharing.

  12. You are right we have to take a step back sometimes to reflect and to relax. I stress when things are not done, sometimes I step away then come back with a clear head. Laughing is definitely a great way to relax :-)

  13. Definitely agree with meditation! Being able to just refocus and let it all go is so necessary for me to stay stress free.

  14. I try not to let stress affect me as it does no good at all. As you say, I focus on the solution and deal with what's at hand in the best way I can and then I just let it go. Life is too short for stress!

  15. Stress is everywhere but the key I think is to understand when you panic and slow down to calm. Keep calm and everything will work again

  16. I hate feeling stressed and definitely take steps in my own life to avoid it. I'm not my best self when I'm stressed out and frazzled!

  17. These are great tips! when I find myself stressing i turn to laughter myself and activities I enjoy that don't require and to do much. Intention breathing also helps.

  18. Agreed! Don't spend time stressing, nothing good ever comes from it. Spend time to appreciating things and you'll never be stressed!

  19. I hate stress! Anything I can do to avoid it, I'm game. Thank you for this post!

  20. There are so many effective ways to prevent stress. People don't often realize how stress effects the body and mind.

  21. Stress can really tear you down mentally and physically. I've seen so many people actually develop a disease due to a weakened immune system directly related to the stress in their lives.

  22. This is the second post I've read today talking about meditation. I really need to start doing that. It really can work wonders!

  23. People don't realize they are stressed until it is too late. They end up being grumpier or even worse get physically affected.

  24. I need this! I have 2 little ones, work fulltime and have a business. I am almost always stressed and I hate it. So thanks for this!

  25. Wonderful to read this .I am trying to do exactly that.Loved reading this.

  26. Sometimes I think that a little stress is good for me! It spurs me on and motivates me to get things done. But I tend to be a bit of a workaholic, so I definitely need to take time to de-stress.

  27. Whenever I'm stressed, I try to think it through and realize that things are not as bad as they seem.


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