How to become happily successful

Happiness and success are important in life for everyone. But nowadays life became more stressful because people think that they can’t be happy as they are not successful. But as we all know this is not true. Working on our favorite thing makes a person happy and this happiness leads a person on the way to become happily successful.

Here I am sharing some short and sweet tricks to become happily successful.

1.    Find your aim/goal :- first of all give some time to yourself and think what you want to do , and to decide this there is no need to follow anyone. Just go with what your heart says. Make your own way, your own path.

2.    Be your own mentor: - It is not necessary that you will find a mentor every time, and that mentor will teach you how to do things. You have to be your own teacher and learn by yourself. See your own mistakes and correct them.

3.    Focus on work not defeat :-  A person should not be afraid to get defeated. You should stay focused on work. Sometimes success is not that far but fear of defeat makes a person more stressed and this is how life gets more complicated. So start avoiding fear, and get focused on your work. Keep your positive attitude up always to become happily successful.

How to become happily successful

4.    Stay disciplined not motivated :- Hard work is must for anything in life whether its your career or relationships. So make it your habit. Stay away from laziness. Do your work every day with discipline. If you are working continuously towards your aim you will definitely get success and happiness and will become happily successful.

5.    Make critics your friend :- if you are working on your ideas you will find many criticism on your way. People will always say both good things and bad things about you but you should not be afraid of it. You can check yourself by these criticism either they are right or wrong  and you can correct yourself if there is any mistake, but just don’t stop working. Keep doing your work with happiness.

So these are the points which you have to keep in your mind always to become happily successful.

In simple words success  is nothing more than a happy atmosphere and positive attitude. For me if you are happy, you can make your surrounding happy, people around you happy, then you are truly successful.


  1. These steps seems so easy. But it is always easier said than done. Thanx for sharing, and they are things I can impliment in my life! :D

  2. This is so great post!I love it!Thank you for sharing!

  3. I really love point number 5 - make critics your friend. I adopted that mentality a few years ago and I have to say it works. I don't reject criticism right away, but I check myself first to see if it has merit. Even if it doesn't, I try to learn from it. That mentality has made a world of difference in how I deal with perpetual critics.

  4. These are really awesome tips. I especially like the idea of being your own mentor - I've never thought about it like that!

  5. I love how short, yet effective these tips were to help people live their best lives, and find happiness on their own terms. I definitely agree with all of your points, but your tip about having mentors is my favorite.

  6. Taking these things to heart and using them in daily life would make anyone powerful and successful. It is hard for me to embrace criticism so I need to work on that, but I do know the value of hard work and determination.

  7. Loving these 5 simple tips on how to become happy. Staying disciplined is tough, but so important.

    Sophie | MapleTreeBlog

  8. These are some great tips. I think it is important to clearly define your goals in order to achieve them!

  9. Heading enticed me, happily successful:) and then I got what you wanted to say..A happy charming aura and positiveness in the surroundings is what makes us happy and successful. Lovely read

  10. these are great tips to being successful which leads too more happiness! I do believe in each one, esp making a goal/aim, and DISCIPLINE! thanks for the insight ; )

  11. This is so fantastic! Just the motivation I needed! However, will you please be my life coach? Staying disciplined not motivated is the best advice!

  12. Thanks for the reminder sometimes we measure ourselves based on goals that are not realistic and we need to celebrate any small or big success everyday to stay motivated.

  13. I wish I could repeat this to myself everyday " stay disciplined, not motivated"! It's so easy to lose motivation when you feel you are not moving forward, but you are! Thanks for this!

  14. This is so awesome! It is important to keep working and not let the fear of failure cripple you!

  15. Excellent tips for many aspects of life, not just success. I especially like the "stay disciplined, not motivated". A different perspective, but one that makes more sense!


  16. So many think being successful in one area means happiness but so not true. I love having motivational ideas.

  17. Your list for being happy and successful is worthy and useful. Very beautifully you explained these tips. I will keep these great tips in mind for happier and prosperous life. Thanks for sharing.

  18. I like the disciplined vs motivated argument. Motivation only takes you so far, but discipline is what will push you through. Great points!

  19. I love this list. A friend of mine wants to start a business and I always tell him not to let fear keep him from trying. Don't focus on defeat. Love that!

  20. Indeed such a great list. I agree that you really have to develop and have your goal first then look for ways to be motivated to be able to achieve it. Perseverance and discipline is the key.

  21. Wow, these are really awesome tips. I like the idea of being your own mentor. We also need to celebrate any small or big success everyday to stay motivated because it's so easy to lose motivation when you feel you are not moving forward !

  22. Love the "Stay disciplined not motivated" That definitely holds ground for me. If I only did my work if i feel motivated, I'll never get anything done because most of the time, I get discouraged but if I stay disciplined and say I have to finish this project whether I feel like doing it or not, it will push me through.

  23. My success and happiness are rarely cause and effect. And, it depends on how you define success.

  24. These really great tips! Never thought it the way you explained them

  25. These are some great tips to keep ourselves happy! Staying positive is a first key to happiness!

  26. I think I am the happiest when I work. That is why I always choose a job that I enjoy doing.

  27. These are really helpful comments for anyone who needs to stay happily.Preparing to accept criticism can be one of the best ways to move forward!


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