How To Face An Arrogent Sibling Everyday

Funny topic, right?? I am sure all of you will relate with this topic.

We all went through or going through this situation. Every sibling and the relationships they have with each other is unique, important, and special in a family. Brothers and sisters influence each other and play important roles in each other’s lives. 

Indeed, sibling relationships make up a child’s first social network and are the basis for his or her interactions with people outside the family. Brothers and sisters are playmates first; as they mature, they take on new roles with each other. Over the years, they may be many things to each other — teacher, friend, companion, follower, protector, enemy, competitor, confidant, role model. 

This relationship can be powerfully affected by a sibling’s disability or chronic illness.
But most of the time what we face is an arrogant sibling as I have a one. 

One thing he loves to do except study, eat and sleep is irritating me. Whatever the topic is he will blame me for everything either it’s a family topic or any national issue. He will relate me with everything in the whole wide world.

So my solution for this thing is that if your sibling do this same thing with you, don’t gets angry on him/her. You are their whole world. They love you a lot. That’s why they don’t see anyone else. Even if it’s not true just accept this and forgive them. 

How To Face An Arrogent Sibling Everyday

My brother loves to steal my food. Even if he doesn’t like any food, he will eat that only because that’s my favorite. If this is what happens to you too most of the time, no need to yell at them because they will not going to change. Change your perspective. See them as a beggar or starved one who needs to eat first. This is what we taught by our elders. 

My brother loves to give me weird and worst new names every single day. I never reply to this act of his. If you are one of them who hears same thing from their sibling, just don’t response to them until they call you with your real name or you can do vise-versa. Just name them something funny. 

These are some funny situations which we all had seen in our life or we are facing them now. But sometimes situation gets more tensed. Sometime out of some serious matters we gets angry. Whatever the situation is, just remember one thing that we are siblings and we meant to be together

Situations will come and go but don’t let them affect your relationship. All these moments with your sibling will become memories and one day you will cherish them.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Nice blog and also very interesting topic .....may be u may like my blog also feel free to check that ....

  3. A lot of siblings face similar situations

  4. Wow that is crazy and this is happening everyday in my house! Nice Post

  5. I don't have siblings, but I have 2 children and I can relate to your post quite well

  6. Interesting's all'll always look back and laugh

  7. Interesting's all'll always look back and laugh

  8. Sibling relationship is one of the hardest because id the very first we have in life, and because if interlaced with someone that loves and hates us the most! It's so important to learn to "stay into" any sibling argument, because in this way we learn to deal with conflicts in other relations.

  9. I can relate having a brother and a sister, heh! Not always nice, but I am surely so grateful that I got to grow up with them :)

  10. Love this post! Sometimes dealing with siblings can definitely be tough!

  11. I had to certainly change my perspective about many people in my life. If you get mad, upset, in the end you are harming yourself. I had to find quiet and my best friend became my noise canceling headphones! lol Thank you for sharing!

  12. From what you said, I would rather say your brother is jealous on you, maybe he wants to be like you or maybe he wants the love of your parents only for him. Many people don't want to talk about this issues but there is a thing called "sibling rivalry". Is he older than you?

    1. :) he is my younger brother, and there is nothing like rivalry , its just the sweet and sour side of sibling relationship. sometimes we just don't know how to react on the situations, that's why i wrote this . :)

  13. What a sweet post .. I remember my brother stealing my food too! Darn it all. Despite all of our sibling ups and downs over the years, I love him so much. We're both in our forties now and have a really great relationship. Even though he was a cinnamon toast stealer x

    1. haha, this is really awesome to know. Thank you for commenting and sharing. :)

  14. This post is so true: siblings may annoy each other a lot but they love each other to pieces

  15. Wow this are strong words. Funny enough its what we face with our siblings everyday but love always wins


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