Every tall girl in the world

There are some perks to being tall, but sometimes it would be nice to drop a few inches and live in the average height bracket. With people staring and clothes not fitting, it’s not always an easy ride living in a world designed for smaller beings. Short girls taking advices from you or short boys being jealous of your height, I am with you girls. Yes, I can understand totally, how it feels.
Here are things all tall people will relate to:- 
     1.       Same question with every meeting: - You exactly will relate to this. Whenever you meet a person (outsider/relative) same question will pop up, “how are you so tall? “ even before saying Hello, they just repeat this thing every single time. Even after saying height is not my fault, they don’t get satisfied ever.

     2.       Shopping is not a fun anymore: -   Beautiful dress will always be too short and that pair of jeans will fit the waist perfectly, but disappoint in length. We all should have a personal tailor. Agree???

     3.       Joke that I hate the most: - I am sure you hate this too when people ask how much Complan and bournvita have you drank in your life? I have been asked this so many times that I hate this now. It’s not a joke anymore!

     4.       Journey with long legs: - Believe it or not, cramped spaces and long legs, a hell lot of struggle. Our journeys sometimes become a war to sit properly.
     5.       Yes, we are killer: - We girls have to kill our desire to wear our favourite heels and this always happens with me. Ruining that perfect outfit with a simple pair of flats, that’s all I used to do.

    6.       Ladder and I are same: - We are ladder for our family members. Every work related to upper shelves will be done by us only. Same thing goes at the workplace too and I am annoyed with this behaviour of people. “Use that real ladder please!”

     7.       Front row is not for us: - Hell true. We people are not meant for front rows. The struggle is real.

     8.       We know the truth: - Yes, no need to mention it as you are not the only one to exclaim how tall I look. Most people try to reveal this mystery to us every day that we are tall. Isn’t it funny ha-ha!

     9.       Unwanted advices: - Trust me guys, this is the funniest one. I have given advice to quit my work out because people thought my height will increase more. Hilarious!

I am 5’8” and that’s not much tall according to me but here in India or I will say places I have visited, I have been stared by people as hell. Average height for girls are 5’2” or 5’4” here.  Cherry on top as I am skinny too, everyone gives me advices to eat a lot so that I will be a little fat and I wouldn’t look that tall.
I just wanna say one thing, “let us live the way we are. Let everybody live the way they are.”

Love Yourself!!!


  1. Lol, it's kinda funny. Although being a guy I never thought of stereotyping women with long height because it wasn't something under their control. Good blog 👍👍

    1. Some people do this , I am glad you are not one of them haha

  2. As a girl just under 5' tall we can make a club together for unfortunate height groups :P I am a bit jealous that you can actually see things when you go places. Any live event usually means I listen and watch whatever screen is at the top of the stadium haha.

    1. haha, You are funny girl :) Thanks for commenting, i really appreciate it!

  3. one of my friends just make a youtube channel for things she doesn't ever want anyone to tell her again, might be a good and funny idea for you too:)

  4. Well there's always a downside to everything, right? These might all suck, but on the other hand, height brings some amazing things as well, so as you said 'love yourself'!

  5. I agree! Live the way you are.. Consider yourself lucky, because short people aim height, doing and patronizing products (that doesn't seems to work haha) just to make them tall.

    1. People should stop creating mess in others life by saying mean things. That's all i wanted to clear in this blog!

  6. I am definitely on the shorter side. While reaching tall things would be useful on occasion, I like my height.

    1. Everyone should love themselves the way they are :)

  7. I can totally relate to "Ladder and I are same" :D
    Though I agree to, "let us live the way we are" but I am ok with some of the things mentioned most of the times :)

  8. I have the opposite problem. It took a long way to get to be happy about my height. But I will say the how short or tall question I don't get annoyed as long as it's not the same person.
    ~ http://viabella-thebeautifullife.blogspot.com/

  9. I have a friend who is also really tall and thin. Shopping for clothes can be a nightmare, so she has a few brands that are her go-tos. Although being tall isn't her favorite thing, but I beg to differ. I'd kill to have her long legs and carry myself the way she does. She's one of the most beautiful people (inside and out) that I know. x

    1. Thank you so much for sharing this here, i really appreciate it. :)

  10. My Best friend is 6ft. tall. And that, where we live is by no means normal. Sha can relate to most things you said before. But, she wears heels, dresses and skirts and she looks very good. She's a model too. Try and get some advantage from it and don't mind what people say. I understand it may be annoying, but I feel you can get a lot from it too.

    I loved the post, it's original and personal.

  11. if there's disadvantages, there's also the advantage of being tall like he/she can be in the field of sports or fashion modeling. I am an average woman who wants to atleast be some inches taller but I guess that won't be happening since I am already in 30s.

    1. Totally agree with you , people should love themselves the way they are :)

  12. I think it's equally annoying for someone who is short to hear comments about them. I don't understand why poeple don't stop commenting and mind their own business.

  13. This is kind of funny to me. I'm on the other side of the spectrum and only 5 feet (on a sunny day ;) ) so it's nice to hear the perspective of a tall girl. Sounds like no one is ever satisfied lol.

    1. Its not about being satisfied, its about how our society have some common perspective for everyone. I am totally satisfied with who i am but people around me are not understanding this. These are the common thing which every person with a good height will relate to.

  14. Hey girl, you are lucky.. look at the elegance Deepika padukone carries, I'm sure you girls rock. And I'm jealous since I'm just 5'3..

    1. Thank you so much Jhilmil , i really appreciate your words and i m Deepika fan too :)

  15. My bestie is a tall gorgeous goddess to but these things must become very tedious. Thanks for sharing xxx

  16. Lol i wondered how tall are you?

    1. Read the blog again, i have mentioned it already :P :D
      Thank you for commenting :)

  17. i'm considered to be a tall girl in Greece but went and lived in Serbia for a short period of time, where i am considered to be short soooo, i've solved my issues!! :P

  18. It`s not easy to live life of a tall person. I also believe that tall is gorgeous. Thanks for sharing.

  19. Hahaha! I'm going to show your post to my husband, he will so relate! You nailed it. Another complaint is being too tall for most rooms in Southeast Asia.

  20. Your height sounds perfect although I can appreciate that you have difficulty finding clothing items of the ideal length when the size is cut on a 5'2 frame. Forget everyone else and dress to make yourself feel confident, comfortable and amazing.

    1. Thank you so much for your words, Thank you for commenting :)

  21. Your points about being tall are too funny, but all true! There are many good things about being tall too.

  22. My girlfriend would relate to this on a serious level! Thanks for sharing, I'm sure she's going to appreciate reading this!

  23. I'm a bit on the opposite side of the coin on this issue. Where I live, I am considered shorter than average, which sometimes can be a bit of an issue also.

    1. people don't get satisfied anyways whether your are tall, or short. It's their work to annoy us!

  24. Hahah! I shouldn't be laughing but yes this all true and happens to all tall people. I mean there are times when I look at a tall person and think, "I bet she/he could touch the ceiling". But your post gives me a peek into your woes. I promise I will impart no prejudices against any tall person ever.

  25. I am 5ft 2 and I wish I can be taller. You are so right that we should live the way we are. Thanks for sharing.

  26. I am a tall skinny girl of 5'6" but not that tall like you. But I also faced similar issues like always on last bench though I was good in studies, cramping myself in small cars or train berths. The most benefit of tall is that in a crowded concert we can see all the happenings.

  27. I'm the same height as you, which I don't consider to be overly tall, but is definitely taller than average for women in Australia. I find that it's more useful than anything else, but my boyfriend is 6 ft 1 and he definitely struggles with some of the things like no leg room in planes!

    1. Thank you for stopping by and commenting :)

  28. I can imagine it must be uncomfortable, sadly you're never going to change peoples reaction and it must become very boring. I definitely understand the struggles and frustration of clothes not fitting, but that's more down to my fat arse and short legs rather than my height. Love the body your in - mine is always getting rounder.

    1. True, totally agree with your words :)
      Thank you for stopping by and commenting :)

  29. Awww..while I don't belong to your group, I come across things like..oh what happened ? you stopped growing after the 5th grade! I love my height..I call it fun size :)

    1. people do these thing to everyone, whether he/she is tall or short :(

  30. Haha! one of my good friends is tall and, yea, she had these struggles. I'll share this with her. I consider myself short - and sometimes wish I was a couple inches taller.


    1. Thank you for stopping by and commenting :)

  31. I do not feel your pain as I am 5'2" and find it difficult for me being at this height. I am a little overweight and it is very hard for me to find clothes that fit well. Sizes are not for me as they are made for tall, slender frames.

    1. I can understand your pain to find fit clothes and right size. :( Thank you for stopping by and commenting :)

  32. I'm always reading about problems of short persons, first time from a tall person's perspective. Still, I wish I'm a little taller. :) This was an interesting read. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thank you for stopping by and commenting :)

  33. I am not tall but I do have long legs so I know what you mean by cramped spaces. It is so frustrating that people fixate on height/ size, they should say hello first! x

  34. what is complan? Is it supposed to make you taller or something?

    1. yeah, its a health drink powder which is given to children here. Complan is the 2nd most popular health drink in India.

  35. Great post, I always feel tall when i visit Japan from America. Very relatable

  36. HAAHAHA I wish I was a bit taller though. I'm 5'10, totally average but too average lol!

  37. Thank you for sharing your feelings. Being tall can be an asset or a liability depending on the situation. I am only 5'2" so that makes me short, by Caucasian standards. I share the same sentiments with you, regarding shopping for clothes, only that I am on the other side of the spectrum. :)

  38. Good One! I see the kind of problems being 'niche' can be but the positive side is that you are 'niche.' I see Niki's reply was cool

  39. i never even look at how tall or short people are anyway its just a realisation that everyone is different and i think to love oneself is very important and people do struggle with it

  40. This post made me smile! I'm not really tall, but taller than most of my family (they're all small!) and I'm forever being asked to reach for things for them!

  41. Well, being tall is not the least desirable physical feature you could have been born with. If you move to the Netherlands, you won't stand out so much for your height lol!

  42. I know that for a man it is somewhat different when you are tall. But I know that I have had people call me tall guy or all kinds of different things to get assistance with something. It's kind of sad. And it is a bit annoying at times. My daughter is going to be tall. But I really hope she is because being small brings different problems.

  43. Aww I really feel for you. I think we all face issues such as this and its always frustrating and disheartening. I'm 5'4 so I can't put myself in shoes of someone tall, but I can definitely relate to the jean issue and the length. Life would be easier if we had a personal tailor.

  44. I always hate going shopping for pants! Because not only am I tall, but as a plus size human being, so it becomes twice the hassle! But body positivitu all the way!!!!! You are beautiful and you should always embrace it!

  45. Whilst I totally get your feeling and understand about being tall, us shorties have our issues too! But my heart totally goes out, especially about the high heel situation.

  46. I'm sorry you have to go through this. It's quite the same when you're petite. I think there's always going to be issues like this when you interact with people who think you need their opinion about everything including your body.

  47. Accepting what we have is the best way . In my village I am consider okey with my height but when I am working in Europe I am to sort but running faster . hehehe

  48. Thanks for sharing! Very interesting topic! Thanks for sharing it with us! Amazing article

  49. Oh well, it could be worse. You could be short and dumpy with no-one noticing you!

  50. Very ironic how short people want to become tall and tall people want to become short. But with all these, we must love ourselves and don't judge others.


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