Why I get annoyed from the people around me

I am going to talk about the things I am really annoyed as the people around me don’t really understand what are they saying and what are they doing.
Remember, you can’t change everything about the world– but you can change how you react to it, but somethings never change and you just can’t control your temper too.

Here are the things I am really annoyed from:-

  1. Hypocrite people: - I really annoyed from this category of people who feigns some desirable or publicly approved attitude, especially one whose private life, opinions, or statements belie his or her public statements. I just don’t know why people need everyone’s approval to live their own life. 
  2. Double faced: - This type of people are really unfaithful. They always change their sayings. They are not content to what they say, what they do and you just cannot trust them at all.
  3. Marriage is important = no reasons: - I really don’t understand why everyone is so interested in the marriage of others. For a moment let me take myself, every single person around me are interested in my marriage more than me. They have even planned their whole outfit for the wedding. Isn’t this funny? No one gives me reasonable talk but everyone wants me to get married as soon as possible as if the whole world is dying and its really needed to save it.
  4.  No single adult girl allowed in the house :- Again , people thinks if you are 24-25 , you have already crossed the limit to get married , so you need to get married as soon as possible as , if you wouldn’t global warming will increase and you will pollute the environment. Why can’t a girl live her life like a free human being with all her willingness? In some cases boys have been tortured too. 
  5. Degree matters: - Our education system offers us so many things to learn still our parents wants or more precisely society wants us to get a professional degree even if a person is interested in some other artistic work, that doesn’t matter. If you don’t hold a degree, you are nothing but a useless thing. Degrees have been more important than your skills. 
  6. Money = Good you: - This is a bitter truth. Money have been a big issue nowadays. If you own money, people relate that with your personality, your manners, and your character. Outer appearance means a lot for some people that they usually make their own perspective before even knowing someone. This is really bad.
  7. Tall and skinny, alien you are: - I am pissed with this thought sometime and sometime laughs a lot to think that people still consider you healthy only when you are fat or if you are a girl, you need to have good curves in your body. You can’t personally feel anything about your body, people will decide that for you. They still thinks tall and skinny means you don’t eat and you are weak. This is a total sick mentality.  

So these were few things I am actually annoyed with sometime, most of the time I don’t consider them at all. People around us still needs to change themselves in order to grow. They are still living in ignorance. We seriously need to think if we really making this world a happy place to live or we just building more confusions in our minds. 

Love Yourself!!!



  1. Lol. Interesting read! I wonder what inspired you to write this post. I enjoyed it tho. For me, people who act stupid irritate the hell out of me! But i understand that not everyone is on the same intellectual level as me so sometimes i try to understand.

    1. situations around me inspired me to write this post :)
      Thanks for stopping by and commenting :)

  2. So Informative Article Thanks to Share keep posting....

  3. Yes sometimes we get annoyed by people surrounding you so much that We cannot control also. Double faced are the ones whom I don't like most.

  4. Bitter truth about degree and marriage.. I got married at 26 and I must say 2years before that they were just bullshit with every relative cribbing of why not getting married.. I felt like lightning a rocket in their ass..Can really understand your situation, but I suggest, enjoy your life gal. Let people speak

    1. hahahahahaha, you made me life with the rocket line :D Thank you girl , loved your comment <3 Thanks for stopping by and commenting :)

  5. Hypocritical people and being two faced will always annoy me too. I never understand why people have to be two faced, if we all said what we felt a little more to each others faces there would be far less conflict!

  6. Two faced people are not nice at all. I have had many friends like this and it ended up in a toxic friendship a lot of the time . You cannot trust people who are two faced x

    1. Agree, Thanks for stopping by and commenting :)

  7. I especially loved your thoughts about getting a degree. Here in the U.S. it's become so expensive to get a degree and a lot of people are coming out of school with a crushing debt load. In a lot of cases, the degree doesn't even fit with what they truly want to do in life, but they thought they needed it to succeed. I know so many people who don't have a degree and have lived successful (and happy!) lives. x

  8. Totally get what you are saying! hope you have a good friend to call when people get on your nerves!

  9. Haha while reading this, some people reminded me one by one. I think everyone is so different that you can't possibly agree with all. You should live your life without caring too much what others think because if not, you will do get annoyed!

  10. I hate body shaming and I have faced it myself...it pinches me badly. But now I have started interacting less with people who do not like you the way you are. I really agree with most of the points you raised. Thanks for sharing!

  11. People are very frustrating! I totally agree with you on these. Unfortunately, we can't control the actions of others, we can only control our actions and mind set :)

  12. Wow love to read about your post, i also wanna write on the same topic with my own feelings. Thank you suggesting me out about new blog topic.

  13. I agree with you on all the points. Sometimes, people and the society can be a really annoying combination. As of now, I get really annoyed when people act unreasonable, feeling entitled to my agreements on all they want to say or do. :/

    xx Aditi

  14. Ah I can totally relate to this. I get so annoyed with some people around me as well. I have a certain someone that is such a hypocrate that it annoys me on a daily basis.

  15. I hate that other people feel they have such a right to talk about other people when it's nothing to do with them x

  16. I am also annoyed with hypocrite and double-faced people as I already experience interacting with them. Ugh! It makes me sad, disappointed and annoyed because they are the people whom I thought I can count on but then I discovered they are not what I think they are.

  17. These are very valid reasons to be annoyed. There are a lot of ignorant people in the world I we have to do our best to just ignore them!

  18. Ha, nice post and insightful. And I agree, it's how you respond that's the key. Degrees are too often given importance over work experience.

  19. Yes, I agree with you on a lot of the points you made in your post. The thing is you need to allow yourself to heal and not be so hurt and annoyed by the mis- conducts of others. The reason I'm advising this is that unfortunately there will always be ass holes in this world there is no avoiding them. But let it flow over you and stay healthy. x

  20. I can relate to having to deal with other people's expectations about the single life. I think it's so important to find the right person than to rush things for the sake of making other people around you happy.

  21. I am totally agreed with point 1 and 2 esp "Double faced"..... It is hard to find a true friend.

  22. Spot on. I got sick and tired of people who lie and pretend to be something they are not a long time ago. That doesn't mean I'm perfect. I learned a long time ago, that most people are only interested in themselves, and that's okay with me because, I am the same. What I have a problem with is other people who try to manipulate my choices, and as you've mentioned, such people people feigns some desirable or publicly approved attitude, but their private life, opinions, and statements are very different from who they really are in private.

  23. I'm in awe with your article...actually most of us are pissed with such kind of people, but i never knew someone would write it.. I really connect with what you wrote.. haha yes about last skinny torture, me being healthy too got same problems..Me too would say do anything,people will judge you no matter what, Yes we all can surely choose to react..!!

  24. There are really a lot of things that may annoy us.. people around us, how things going on.. and you are absolutely right, some things we can't change or control - so better yet change the way we perceive and react to it. And for me to as really don't wanna be bothered by those things you mention.. as possible I stay away from them.. as possible :)

  25. I honestly think I know a person to fit every description you listed. It's infuriating the way people think, talk and insert their opinion on things that don't concern them

  26. These are a lot of complex topics that you talk about here. I think that people are all different in their own ways and there is no right or wrong. Definitely an interesting topic though, good job

  27. It's important to keep in mind when people annoying you like this that it's easier to walk away from them than it is to try change them. Some people are set in their ways and you can't waste your energy trying to change them, you need to just remove the negative from your life.

  28. Interesting thoughts. I'm in my 40s with no "plans" on getting married. I had a client ask me once if I was married, I said no. She then said, "oh, it will happen some day." Like I was waiting for it.

  29. The one thing we will never be able to control is how annoying some people can be. The only thing we can really do is to be in complete control of how we respond. By being in control of this, we are also not going to be that affected by things and people who are not as positive as we might be. Good post with some food for thought.

  30. I know what you mean! But like you mentioend we can't rally change the others but we can change the way we react in uncomfortable situations like facing annoying people.

  31. I agree about the age of women that can marry. Double standards are still here about this because we don't teach men the same. Such a shame!
    ~ http://viabella-thebeautifullife.blogspot.com/

  32. I can hear you gal! In India, once you cross 25, whole world is interested in your marriage, even sometimes a walking random stranger is curious to know about your future...lol!

  33. Yes I totally agree, these things would infuriate me too, but just breathe and don't let it bother you.

  34. I get so annoyed sometimes by people, but I often now take a step back and think, I am pretty sure I probably annoyed people in some way too.

  35. I agree with these statements. Two faced people as well as hypocrites are people I have removed from my life completely. Never again.

  36. These things would turn me off too. I hate hypocrites! They make me cringe every time I see them in action. I have learned to just turn a blind eye or a deaf ear whenever people like that are around me. I just shrug my shoulders and put on my force field so I don't get affected by all the negativity around me.

  37. The world we live in is full of false faces, fake smiles, unreal people. Judgement is based on physical not on character, but despite the "ugly" facts, I would still want to believe in the goodness of each one of us... (Gee Villaruz)

  38. I hear you. We live in a world where people have tons of opinions about everything. The best advice I have gotten is to get on with your life. Don't let stuff others say get you down.

  39. When I knew of people who are like that, I just stay away. It's better that they are out of my sight so I also avoid hurting them for their negative doing. I just hope people would always learn to mind their own life.

  40. I too have people around me that annoy me. And I too can't stand the double-faced and hypocrite people. And those only interested in having a relation only to profit. And after marriage, those who ask when the first child. And after the first child, when the second. The list is long, I'm afraid:(

  41. Difference of opinions causes people to do stuff that might seem irritating to us. This annoys me too. But I do hate double faced, fake people!

  42. people always have something to say.. the best answer is just ignore !! by the way .. very nice post


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