Fear of Initiating Things

As far as I know myself, this is the main cause of not doing things which I really wanted to do in my life that is FEAR OF INITIATING THINGS. This seems really silly when you read about this but we all suffer with this in our own lives.
Fear is the driving factor which keeps us stalled and prohibits the progression of moving forward. It’s easier to make excuses because it’s scary to take the first step. Many of us struggle with this inner battle every day. Fear is a terrible thing when you let it control you. The results will be worse. Even after your talent, all your passion, all your dreams, you will be remain alone, broken and stressed just because you have fear, fear of initiating. This fear is just like cancer which eats up everything, your happiness, your growth, your dreams, and your passion everything. Allowing fear to rule over every aspect of your life is far more disastrous than choosing a life ruled by love and hope. Choosing Fear as a governing emotion of life will strangle your life to death.
 There are many reasons which make Fear much more complex. 

First and the most common fear is that you will fail or do badly. Since we were kids, failing is the word that’s been engraved in our heads. We have been taught to avoid failures. We never realize that failure can be a good and positive thing too. Without trying something, you never know if it’s the right path to be taken. We can learn from failures. Failure is not really a failure but a process of trial and error. 

Second fear is the fear of putting yourself out. What people will say, how they will react, what if they didn’t like it, these are few things we all afraid of sometimes. There are people that may react negatively to your work but there are more individuals who are impacting and helping. There are people who will keep you fueled and make you feel that you are doing the right thing. 

Third is the fear of unknown things. Basically you are not familiar with the task, so you don’t want to do it or you don’t know where to start. You are not sure of the risks so it’s hard to see the rewards. It’s really hard for a person to come out from the comfort zone and easier to stay in routine life because it feels safe. You need to realize that anything worth having in life requires risk and you will never know if you don’t try it. 

Fourth one is the fear of commitment, Commitment towards relations, job, friends, goal etc. commitment comes with the sense of responsibility. Commitment needs a lot of hard work and immediate results are rare. Commitment brings about change too. You need to be strong and focus on the positive sides. 

Fifth fear will look foolish but it’s true, fear of succeeding. Sometimes the thought of success actually scares enough a person to refuse to go down that road.  When a person becomes successful, the whole scenario suddenly changes. People around will start behaving differently. I would say don’t think too much about the success, just do your work, do what you love with your full strength. Success should never hold you back.
Things you should keep in your mind:- 

You need to get out of your comfort zone to get what you actually want.
Uncertainty is the part of life. Accept the changes with the positive mind.
Commitment brings progress in life.
Taking risks is must in life in order to move ahead towards you goals. Enjoy the excitement.
You are bound to get judged anyway, focus on the positive sides.
Enjoy failures and learn from them. Have fun in the journey of trial and error.
Only you can decide what you need to focus on. Control your thoughts and invest them in the right way.
You need to realize the fear which bothers you the most and ask yourself does that reason worth your life. Do you really want to live your life asking yourself “what if “. 

Until next time, Love yourself!!!


  1. I can definitely relate. Fear has hindered me in so many ways. Great post! Thanks for sharing.


  2. You need to get out of your comfort zone to get what you actually want. This is a key! Great post!

  3. I would have to say mines is the first: fear of failure, and the third: fear of the unknown. I am working on them, but I struggle for the most part.

  4. I know it's strange, but I definitely understand the fear of success! I often fall into a depression after succeeding at something because I suddenly have nothing to work on or towards. But I've learned to always find something new and keep working to keep the fear at bay! Very important to keep in mind. Thank you!

  5. I really enjoyed reading this. Too many of us let fear get in the way of living up to our potential.

  6. Fear... such a dirty word, however, for me, it's a challenge. A challenge to overcome, be it by looking at the fear rationally, identifying what it is that is holding me back, and planning a way to do it without the expected repercussions. Most times, we realize we feared fear itself - - it can be turned to be positive... thanks for sharing.

  7. It is such an awesome feeling to learn to look at the unknown as an excitement of what comes next rather than a fear. I was raised to never make mistakes so as an adult it takes effort to learn that mistakes are part of an important process! I love this article.

  8. Being afraid of initiating things can be tough! I definitely agree with you that getting outside of your comfort zone is where the magic happens

  9. I also have a very big fear of initiating things. I think it holds me back from so many things.

  10. I am slowly coming out of my comfort zone. I have been in it for many years so it's going to take time to get out of. I have a habit if challenging myself in some areas but in other areas I don't try as hard. I'm working on organizing myself more in the new year and hopefully will have more challenges and motivate myself more.

  11. Initiating things and situation is not 100% wrong , just do it in a right time, with right people, and right place. Dont over do it, and enjoy life.

  12. Failure is a process of trial and error. And we can always learn from our failures if we take time to see the lessons. Failure is a gift because it taught me how strong I am. Loving myself through it.

  13. You are so right and I absolutely love this post!!! I believe that we have all dealt with fear, no matter what our profession or walk of life we are from. This post is such a valid example of all of the reasons and ramifications of the impact that feel has on our lives. Thanks for sharing!!

  14. I do think that what if is one of the worst things in the world. I think that my life would only be half lived if that was all I had at the end. I do think fear is one of the biggest things to drag you down.

  15. I completely agree with this! Getting out of your comfort zone is essential!

  16. Fear also stopped me from doing many things in the past, and it is really hard to break free from it! At some stage, when I was starting to exercise I would get paralysed with fear just go out of the door and run a few blocks! I know it sounds very silly. I'm glad I finally pushed through as exercise has lifted my self-esteem in a wonderful way.

  17. Love this! You have to get out of your comfort zone to make huge change!

  18. This post is a good reminder for all of us. Most of the time, it's FEAR that's keeping us from the things that we want in life. It's important that we learn how to take that risk or to dive in, we can never live and fear and say that we've lived our best life.

  19. this is such a common thing these days even with human interactions we have this fear.

  20. Absolutely! I have always believed that fear and faith cannot coexist. One has to go!


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