To 15 year old me

Dear little me,
               Life is really incredible and it amazes you time to time, you just need to focus on it a little bit. Don’t over think situations, you are too small for them. Don’t judge your parents, they are doing things to make you learn more about life as you are growing up. You need to be a little smart as you are totally dumb and innocent and fool too.
Stop crying all the time – You are too emotional and innocent but there is no need to show everyone your emotions. Your emotions are important, so stop wasting them on everyone. Crying is not the solution and you are not responsible for everything bad happens around you. Try to see things differently. 
You are brave enough to talk to people – You have been living with your family of mother, father and brother only, no grandparents and no relatives. You are a shy one too. But there is no need to be afraid of people or crowd. You always want to talk to people but you can’t. Keep that confidence in yourself.  You will going to love talking to people as you will grow up. Talking to people or addressing crowd is not that tough. You will become a teacher and your students will love you.
You will fall in love with books, keep reading – People normally scares you and you are unable to talk, so books are your ultimate companion. But soon you will fall in love with them. You will read a lot of them and you will have small library including books more than your clothes. You are really blessed to have MADHU SHARMA mam as your English teacher, who are teaching you how to read. You will really going to miss her a lot in future as you will change your city and she will change her country.
Don’t worry about your driving skills, you will soon have driving license – Don’t bother yourself thinking that you don’t have a bicycle or will you be able to drive anytime soon as you will have your own vehicle and a driving license too. You just have to be more patient and stop feeling bad about that.
Keep playing those games in school as you going to love these exercise for the rest of the life and it will help you to learn the importance of workout – You will teach people the importance of games and a fit body. Your workout will become your confidence booster and a starter of your happy mornings. Many of your cousins and friends will envy you for your flexibility and strength so, keep loving games and playing them.
 Show some love to your friends as you will leave them soon after school and change your city – Friends are really importance and you will soon be missing them a lot and you will have a hard time making friends again because of your introvert nature. Enjoy your days with friends as you will cherish them later on when you will get your friends back through social media.
Don’t feel inferior just because you are brown in color. Brown, black, white, every color is beautiful – You are beautiful, everyone is. Your color doesn’t define you at all.  You need to understand this .you think that you are brown and nobody wants to talk to you but the reason is that you never initiate. If you want to hang out with the most awesome group of the girls, talk to them. Let them know you admire them. Stop being invisible for them, let them know you exist. In future, you also will get more of admiration and compliments for your personality. Stop feeling bad for yourself.
Don’t hesitate to do every small thing, life is all yours – You don’t do things just because you are afraid that your will not going to do that right.  You cannot just say about the result before trying. All you need to do is work, stop worrying about the conclusion all the time. After all it’s your life and you have full right to do things for your own self.  
Keep that curve on your face, your smile is beautiful – stop worrying about your smile as you have vampire teeth. They look awesome on you anyway. Keep smiling and showing people not to mess with you otherwise you can be a vampire anytime.
Love yourself- This is going to be the motto of your life. You are the most important thing for yourself. Start caring about YOU first and rest will fall in line.
Dear little me, I am really proud of the person you have become now. You have learnt so much in past few years. You are different and truly amazing. Start doing things for your own self and think more about your own happiness. You are a true fighter and keep that spirit up always. I know life is really confusing for you as you are unable to understand it but stop worrying about it that much as you will get you answers, let the right time come. Enjoy your school days as you will miss them more then you ever thought. Always remember that one person will always be on your side and will become your confident best friend that is YOU.
Love you
Your future-self


  1. What a fun post! I think this is a really good idea to do. You said a lot of great things - too bad I am not 15 anymore to get some extra wisdom.

  2. I love reading letters to ones younger or older self. It's amazing how books can truly become a life line. Love your last line.

    1. Thank you so much , i appreciate your words :)

  3. Ha! 15 year old me was a punk! Still am. But id tell my little self to avoid the first noyfriend because he's a sociopath. Also do your humanities work!

    1. haha we always wanted to avoid sch situations . I enjoyed knowing your childhood :) Thank you so much , i appreciate it :)

  4. I LOVE THIS. I would have so much to say to 15 year old me. She probably wouldn't listen though. lol. I especially like the one about keeping a curve on your face. :)

  5. Oh the things I would tell my 15 year old self. Things would be so different if I were to know some of the things that I know now. It was great reading!

    1. Awesome, Thank you so much for sch kind words :) I really appreciate it.

  6. What a beautiful note to you 15 year old self. If only we knew what we do now!


    1. Yeah, totally agree. Thank you :) I really appreciate it.

  7. This is a fun post. It reminds me of the types of articles I used to read as a teenager in magazines where celebrities would share their perspectives, reminding us that everyone can experience awkward parts of life and to just keep going

    1. Awesome, Thank you so much for writing:) I really appreciate it.

  8. This is great. I love the idea! Thinking about my 15 year old self makes me cringe a bit!!

    1. Awesome, Thank you :) I really appreciate it.

  9. I'd lOVE to be able to give myself advice back in the day! What a fun idea. I'm going to do something similar but it also gave me the idea to write letters to my kids as they get older too. How fun!!!

    1. Awesome, Thank you so much for sch kind words :) I really appreciate it.

  10. Oh yes! there are so many things which we would love to tell our younger self. I would tell my 15 year old self to believe in herself and do what heart feels right.

    1. Awesome, Thank you so much for sch kind words :) I really appreciate it.

  11. What a fun post! You've managed to keep it light-hearted, but it's also very moving - great writing! I'd definitely have a few things to say to my 15 year old self, that's for sure aha. x

    1. Awesome, Thank you so much for sch kind words :) I really appreciate it.

  12. I really enjoyed reading this post. I love when you mentioned "don't hesitate to do every small thing" which is very important. Especially, as an adult. It's so nice to look back and reflect.

    1. Agree, Thank you so much for sch kind words :) I really appreciate it.

  13. So cute and beautiful sentiments! Great advise to enjoy all the moments because they go by fast and the days come when you long to be there.

    1. Totally, Thank you so much for sch kind words :) I really appreciate it.

  14. Reading letters to younger self is always nice for me because it shows how people reflect on their past and their younger self.

    1. Awesome, Thank you so much for sch kind words :) I really appreciate it.

  15. Thank you for sharing us your younger self. Time flies fast and many things have changed.
    I never write a letter to myself before, but I still kept those diaries from my HS days to college, omg its funny to read now!

    1. Having diaries makes things so amazing when we read them after few years. Awesome, Thank you so much for sch kind words :) I really appreciate it.

  16. This is very wise and sweet at the same time. Teenage is a very crucial time, and we make many mistakes, and feel afraid about many things. If only we could understand that time that life is going to be fine eventually and all problems are short-lived ! I guess I would say the same things to my 15 year old self as you did :)

    1. Awesome, Thank you so much for sch kind words :) I really appreciate it.

  17. Great post, I was enjoying reading it.

  18. I remember my 15 year old self.....good times

  19. Oh such a beautiful and powerful article!!!

  20. What a beautiful letter to your younger self! I think we can all learn from these lessons to be a little less harsh on ourselves.

  21. OMG, I love this post! It's so inspiring to younger readers or anyone who needs a push at self confidence.
    This paragraph was my favorite, it really touched my heart! Beautifully written!
    "Don’t feel inferior just because you are brown in color. Brown, black, white, every color is beautiful – You are beautiful, everyone is. Your color doesn’t define you at all. You need to understand this .you think that you are brown and nobody wants to talk to you but the reason is that you never initiate. If you want to hang out with the most awesome group of the girls, talk to them. Let them know you admire them. Stop being invisible for them, let them know you exist."

    1. Thank you so much, I really appreciate it. :)

  22. This was a cool post!
    I remember when I wrote a letter to the 16 year old version of myself, just then, did I realize that I had
    Keep up the good work dear!

    1. Awesome, Thank you so much for sch kind words :) I really appreciate it.

  23. This was really beautiful and has inspired me so much. I love the great advice you give yourself. Also how you are able to remember and have brought forward all the things you love about yourself. This is awesome xxxx

  24. It's really interesting to see how much we have grown from immature kids back in the day. Always great to reflect and think about what has happened and what can be improved. Lovely piece! :)

  25. I love this! What a cool post, I really love the sentiment behind it

  26. Love this idea for a post, really got me wondering about what I would tell myself. Probably something along the lines of be more confident and don't wear those white jeans, you may think they look cool, but . . .

    1. haha, Awesome, Thank you for commenting :) I really appreciate it.

  27. That is so sweet! You gave me the idea of writing a similar post. I was such a different person back then and I also worried too much! I wish I could receive a letter from the 30year old me back then!

    1. Awesome, Thank you so much for sch kind words :) I really appreciate it.

  28. What a great letter to yourself in the future. I have learned a lot through this. Thank you so much and please, keep it up!

    1. Awesome, Thank you so much for sch kind words :) I really appreciate it.

  29. I wish I could really tell my 15 year old self all about what life is like from my mid-thirties vantage point. I think I would probably tell myself to worry less and enjoy more.

    1. Awesome, Thank you so much for sch kind words :) I really appreciate it.

  30. I've always loved writing prompts to send to your younger self. We can often be so critical of our choices, but those choices lead is to who we are today. I think we could all gain a lot of wisdom by writing letters to ourselves.

    1. Agree, Thank you so much for sch kind words :) I really appreciate it.

  31. It would be so amazing to be able to really know yourself at 15. I remember I had a copy of an essay from Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul on my wall. It was a letter of advice for the younger me.

    1. Awesome, Thank you so much for sch kind words :) I really appreciate it.

  32. This is very inspiring and may have dampened the corners of my eyes a little. I'm sure 15 year old you would have appreciated this.

    1. awww, Thank you so much for sch kind words :) I really appreciate it.

  33. I think things like this can be so healing, really. When I reflect back on it, there are so many things that I would say to the little girl that lives inside of me. Life is so confusing when we are young and don't have a lot of experience yet to figure things out. You've just inspired me to do the same. Thank you for sharing!

    1. Awesome, Thank you so much for sch kind words :) I really appreciate it.

  34. I absolutely love this idea. Makes me really think about what I would write myself.

  35. This is such a beautifully written post! Wish I had thought of it. There are so many things I wish I had said to my 15 year old self!

    1. Thank you so much for sch kind words :) I really appreciate it.

  36. Teary eyed just reading this. Every word just hit me especially these lines here: Dear little me, I am really proud of the person you have become now. You have learnt so much in past few years. You are different and truly amazing. Start doing things for your own self and think more about your own happiness. You are a true fighter and keep that spirit up always.

    Thank you for this heartwarming read

    1. Awesome, Thank you so much for sch kind words :) I really appreciate it.


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